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Virtual Impact Ministries is a group of online ministries design with you in mind. It is our mission to supplement the local church and impact our world in very practical ways by offering a place to belong, a place to grow, a place to fellowship, and a place to hear from God, while promoting spiritual maturity and maintaining a refuge for the followers of Christ via the Internet.

Your Purpose, the Purpose of the Church, and Living on Purpose

This is my very 1st sermon. 10/09/2011 07 Track 07-1_2.mp3

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Am I Good Enough?

Am I Good Enough?

We are living in a culture where it is hard to separate who we are from what we have. In addition, we are bombarded with images that have been enhanced, photo shopped, and edited. We as a society are spending more and more time in front of our computers and televisions. As we surrender to this movement we have become slaves to an ideology that says we are not good enough. Subsequently, we have to buy more things, cast an image, and even have surgeries just to feel normal or accepted.

As a Christian should we be bound by these same temptations? Do we have to look a certain way in order to feel accepted? How important is the image we portray? Should we care less about the world around us?

This is where my favorite book of all time comes in. The Search for Significance is by far the most influential book I have every read and it addresses these questions and more.. I know as a Christian I should say the Bible is number one. In reality it is. The Search for Significance is chopped full of scriptures and biblical principles. The benefit to this book is that, it harnesses God’s word in such away that it really addresses the issue of self-esteem and self-worth. This book would not have been at all possible without the Bible. Thus, the Bible is the source of it’s power.

Before reading this book, I was very insecure BUT DID NOT KNOW IT. I was bullied as a child, and had a very rough upbringing. Whether with words, actions, or circumstances, I was always told I did not measure up and that I was not good enough. Additionally, I was called names that implied the same or worse. I did get random words of encouragement, but it was never enough to take on the giant that was growing before my eyes. This giant became so big that I began to put up walls. I put up these walls to protect myself. I began to hurt people because I was hurting. I ran from love and I trusted no one.

Thank goodness God had a different plan for my life. I had a professor assign this book for a reading assignment. I dodged the reading as usual. However, when they began to talk about it in class it began to minister to me. At that point I new I must read this book. It took another year or so before I actually picked it up and read it. Boy, was I in for a surprise. I had an encounter with God every time I read. He began to change me from the inside out. I have recently began to read the book again, because my self-worth has been shaken many times over the pass three years. Yet again, I am feeling His presence, love, and changing power.

I really believe The Search for Significance could do the same for you. Therefore, I highly recommend it. Please let me know what God does in your life through this book.

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